Edison Nation Member and Season 2 Everyday Edison, Michael Diep, has come a long way since first pitching his invention idea, Emery Cat, to Everyday Edisons in 2007. Almost eight years later, Emery Cat is breathing new life – this time through licensing.
Edison Nation has many channels to bring product ideas to market. When an idea is selected, you can ensure we will pursue every avenue for its best chance of success. When a product runs it course through As Seen on TV, licensing opportunities are almost always pursued.
As with most things in life, good things take time. Bringing product ideas to market is no different. Let’s take a quick trip down memory lane and revisit Emery Cat’s timeline of events from Everyday Edisons to present day.
February 2007: Emerycat inventor, Michael Diep presents his prototype at the Everyday Edisons casting call
June 2008: Everyday Edisons season 2 debuts featuring Michael Diep as one of 15 inventors
November 2009: Emery Cat As Seen on TV commercial airs nationwide
April 2010: Emery Cat is featured on QVC’s My Time with Mary Beth
January 2014: Edison Nation Licensing begins exploring licensing avenues for Emery Cat
February 2014: Emery Cat is presented to PetStages for a potential licensing deal
April 2014: PetStages expresses an interest in licensing Emery Cat
May 2014: The deal is officially signed; Emery Cat has been licensed to PetStages!
September 2014: Production begins
November 2014: Anticipated launch for product to be offered online and in stores at major retailers
Be sure to stay tuned for updates and keep an eye out for Emery Cat’s return to store shelves.
Emery Cat Scratcher - NEW - Environment Design - Earth Friendly
Emery Cat Scratcher Refill - NEW